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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How to put a mask to a picture

How to put a mask to a picture

This tutorial was written in PSP 8
My tutorials require knowledge of PSP
They also require patience with me, lol.

~Supplies Needed~
PSP (Any version will work)
A nice sized photo to work with
Font of choice

~ Let’s Begin! ~

Open up PSP open an original sized photo
Duplicate (shift D) the photo
Grab your crop tool crop a little of your photo
Resize it to 250 x 250 pixels, no bigger than 300, it’ll shrink quite a bit to where it’s too small, go to View>Zoom>Zoom in by 1 step. Do this until it gets to 100%.

Opening up your mask-
Go to Layers - Load - Save Mask
Choose a mask that you like.
Create mask from - source luminance
Orientation - Fit to Layer
Options - uncheck invert transparency (depends on the mask)
Click Load
Layers>Merge>Merge Group

Text (optional)
Grab your text tool
Font Settings:
Create As: Vector
Font: Font of choice
Size: Size of choice, depends on the size of text you’ll add.
Colors from Color Materials:
Choose a nice dark shade for the foreground/stroke
Choose a nice light shade for the background/fill
Click on the image, type your text and apply.

Apply a drop shadow if you wish.
Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow
My Settings:
V=1, H= 1, Opacity= 58, Blur= 4
Merge Visible or Merge All Flatten
Save As a PNG or JPEG

Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I hope you’ve enjoyed trying and have learned something.
Feel free to
email me with any questions you might have!

Creating a Watermark

How to create a watermark

This tutorial is written in psp 8, but can be done in earlier versions or the latest version.
~Here's what we'll make~


~What you’ll need~

Font of choice
Basic Knowledge of psp, lol
And patience with me, lol!

~Let’s Begin!~

Open a new image 200 x 200 pixels.

Grab your text tool

Font of choice, size 14 or 18, depending on font and size of your name
Tool Options Settings~ create as: selection, stroke width: 0, Anti-Alias checked.

Type your name or whatever you want your watermark to be.
Click Apply.

Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow
Vertical & Horizontal= 2
Opacity= 90
Blur= 5
Color: Black
(unless you have a black background then use a light color of choice)

Repeat step 2,
except change Vertical & Horizontal to -2

Selections – Select None (CTRL D)

Grab your crop tool and select the merged opaque,
you’ll find this in your tools options at the top and to the far right…
click the check mark, which is also in your tools options and to the far left.
File>Export> Picture Tube-
type in the name you want it to be

And you’re done!
Now you have a watermark to use for all your projects
or pictures you’ve taken and want to share.

Here’s another I made for a friend to use on some pictures…


Thanks for trying my tutorial, I hope you have learned something from me today!
Feel free to email me with any questions you might have!

Installing Plug-ins/Filters into PSP

Are you new to PSP? Are you just learning the basics so far and are wondering what Plug-ins/Filters are?
Well I hope this will help answer your questions!

Installing Plug-ins/Filters into PSP

This is my own version of installing PSP,
The way I find easy to put them into my PSP
Without having my PSP crash all the time.

Different tutorials you might need a plug in for they usually have a link to download a plug – in and expect you to know how to use it right, well these steps will hopefully help you understand how to install plug-ins any time you need to.

There are lots of free Plug-Ins and a lot of PTU (Pay To Use) Plug-Ins out there.
You will find lots of them will say photoshop plugin or filter… but you can also use them in PSP.

Before installing your plug-ins you’ll probably need some Plug-in DLL Files.

These are the 3 different ones that PSP Plug-Ins require

icmfilter.dll. – find this one about ½ way down the page

Some plug-ins may need converted, so you may need to download
Plug-In Commander

You will have to install them this way for the version of PC you have as follows. They will have to go into each of the folders listed there.Windows 98 - C:\Windows\SystemWindows ME - put the Plugin.dll into C:\Windows and into your plugins folder. Put the Msvcrt10.dll into your C:\Windows\SystemWindows 2000 - C:\WINNT\System32Windows XP - C:\Windows\System32

Go to your My Computer and make a new folder
Like so… Click the link below to see the preview…


and name it to whatever name the Plug-in is. Like say you need to install DSB Flux, you would name the folder DSB Flux.

This is what you should have…


Un-zip the plug in into the folder you made in you’re My Computer.

Open up your PSP, go to File/Preferences/File Locations,


you will have a window pop up in that window look off to the left and you’ll see a list of things, find Plug-in and click on it.


Click Add, then click Browse and find the Plug-In that you just Un-zipped into your folder in My Computer. Click Ok.

Like so…


Now you want to close PSP out and then re-open it.

Open a new canvas and go to your Effects/Plug-ins and you should find the one you just installed.

Like so…


Now you can make all sorts of things using any Plug-in that you install to PSP.
Hope this helps you to understand PSP even better.

Installing tubes into PSP

Are you a beginner with psp? Are you completely unsure what tubes are and how to use them? Well I hope this will help you out!

Installing tubes into PSP

Written April 17, 2007 by Kris

This is my own tutorial and how I install tubes into PSP. Please do not take and copy my tutorial and claim it to be your own. If you’d like to share it with a friend, then by all means please link your friend to my blogspot. Thanks!

Now you must already have some PSP tubes saved on your pc. They must be tubes that are safe tubes. Try to get familiar with safe tubes and non safe tubes. Here is a site for you to go check out safe tubes…
Artists That Allow

I myself have a PSP folder in my My Documents titled PSP Stuff with subfolders each titled with what I’m going to put in them. Fonts, Plug-Ins, Tubes, etc. I never install my tubes directly into the PSP Folder like directed in most tutorials.

*NOTE* You don’t need to export or install all tubes you find… some are way too big to place there and will cause PSP to crash.

If I want to use a tube I normally just open it in PSP and use it that way, but if I want it installed. This is what I do.

I go to File/Export/Picture Tube
You’ll have a window pop up
Where it says Tube Name type in the name of the picture or tube that you have opened. Click ok.
NOTE: Keep all file names intact for ALL tubes that you may download, do NOT change any file names!

Now to use the tube you just exported.

Open a new image 400 x 400 transparent.
Now look in your tools off to the left and find your tube tool

In the tools options – this will show up to the top of your PSP

Find the tube you just exported
Go over to your image that you opened and click once on it.
Now you have your tube to work with.

NOTE: you may need to change the size of it in the tool options in order to use it.

Have fun! I hope you’ve learned something from me!

Palettes - Beginners

Are you a beginner with psp? Well this will be a great tutorial for you to start with. If you've done my previous tutorials "Toolbars - Beginner" & "Tools - Beginners" then this will be somewhat easier for you as you should know how to get around psp a bit better.


This tutorial is written using PSP 8; each version may be a bit different though.

If you’re new to PSP, you can search in the Help Topics of your PSP version.

Before starting this tutorial we need to get our palettes opened up for easy access for each use in PSP. You won’t need all of the palettes open for everything all the time, but I will tell you where to find each one and get them open and tell you the use of each.

Go to View/Palettes/Materials

Materials palette ~ Select colors and materials for painting, drawing, filling, and retouching.

Go View/Palettes/Tool Options

Tool Options ~ Modify options for the currently selected tool.

Go View/Palettes/Layers

Layers Palette ~ View, organize, and edit image layers.

Go View/Palettes/Learning Center

Learning Center Palette ~ displays tutorials for common tasks.

Go View/Palettes/Histogram

Histogram Palette ~ displays a graph of the distribution of red, green, blue, grayscale, hue, saturation, and lightness values in an image. Analyze the distribution of detail in the shadows, midtones, and highlights to decide how to make corrections.

Go View/Palettes/Overview

Overview Palette ~ displays a thumbnail view of the active image, as well as information about the image.

Go View/Palettes/Script Output

Script Output Palette ~ displays actions you take and the results of running scripts.

Go View/Palettes/Brush Variance

Brush Variance Palette ~ Sets additional brush options. This palette is particularly useful if you have a 4D mouse or a pressure-sensitive tablet. For example, you can vary the opacity of a brush stroke by applying pressure with the stylus. You can use some options with a mouse.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What, Me Worry?

July 3, 2008
What, Me Worry?
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. —Philippians 4:6
Whenever a preacher begins to talk about worry, I sense a pair of eyes staring at me. Without even turning my head, I know that my husband is looking at me to see if I’m paying attention.
I hate to admit it, but I’m a worrier. And precisely because there are a lot of people just like me, Jesus addressed this problem in Matthew 6:25-34 when He said: “Do not worry.” Don’t worry about the basic needs of life—food, clothing, shelter—and don’t worry about tomorrow.
Worry may be a symptom of a bigger problem. Sometimes it’s a lack of gratitude for the way God has cared for us in the past. Or perhaps it’s a lack of faith that God really is trustworthy. Or it may be a refusal to depend on God instead of ourselves.
Some people expand the worry circle to their families, friends, and churches. They’re a lot like the 10 spies in Numbers 13:26-33 who spread their fear and doubt to everyone else. But those who put their trust in God alone can stand alongside Joshua and Caleb, the only ones in the group of 12 whom God allowed to enter the Promised Land.
Don’t let worries hold you back from what God may be trying to teach you. He invites you to bring your anxious thoughts directly to Him (Phil. 4:6). — Cindy Hess Kasper
When you feel the tension mounting,
And across the busy day
Only gloomy clouds are drifting,
As you start to worry—pray!
To be anxious about nothing, pray about everything.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tools - Beginner

Are you a beginner with psp? Well this will be a great tutorial for you to start with. If you've done my previous tutorial "Toolbars - Beginner" then you will know how to get to the tools toolbar. This is just a tutorial going over the tools in psp and explaining each one of them.

Tools – Basic PSP Tut

This is my tutorial any similarities is pure coincidence.
I’m giving this brief tutorial for newbies just learning how to do things with PSP.

~Please Do NOT claim this tut as your own.~

This is written in PSP 8 you should get a general idea of PSP all together. Other versions may be a little different.

Here you will find basic meanings of tools and other things you’ll find throughout PSP.

Now before I start with the meanings of each tool, we need to open our tools up so we can find them easily each time around.

Go to View>Toolbars>Tools this will open your tools up off to the side.

[NOTE: In higher versions like psp 9, 10, 11 & 12,
you won't need to open up your tools, but for psp 7 & 8 you do.]

Click below to see a preview of what the toolbar and tools look like.


Airbrush Tool ~
This is used for painting effects.

Clone Tool ~
With this tool you can take an area of an object and paint it into a different area.

Color Replacer Tool ~
Use this to change the color on an image.

Crop Tool ~
To crop the image ~ Cut away some of it.

Deform Tool ~
Use this to change shape/size or direction of a tube or text. This causes loss of clarity so sharpen your image after you’re done. Do this by going to Adjust>Sharpness>Sharpen.

Dropper Tool ~
Use this to select a color from an image to use in text or background or border.

Eraser Tool ~
Use this to erase parts of an image.

Flood Fill Tool ~
Use this to flood fill your beginning image for your background or to flood fill text, etc.

Freehand Tool ~
This is known as the lasso, it allows you to select an area of any shape or size by hand.

Magic Wand Tool ~
Allows you to select parts of an image or text to add effects

Mover Tool ~
Allows you to move an image or text to where you want it.

Pan Tool ~
Use this tool when copying and pasting images, etc.

Paint Brush Tool ~
Use this to paint. Or you can use it to create different effects with the various brushes available.

Preset Shape Tool ~
Used to make shapes of all sizes

Selection Tool ~
Select an area by shape.

Target Brush Tool ~
Use this to target part of an image and change the color.

Text Tool ~
Allows you to put a text to an image

Tube Tool ~
Allows you to add images to your workspace

Zoom Tool ~
Allows you to zoom in on an image.

Thanks for trying my tut. I hope I made it understandable enough.

If you have any questions about anything, email me.

I hope you enjoyed reading this.

Toolbars - Beginner

Are you a newbie with using psp? Then this tutorial will be a great one for you! It's on getting to know your toolbars and setting them up...


This tutorial was written in PSP 8. But it might be different in other versions. Just go to your Help Topics to learn about any other new tools and the way they work. To get to your help topics just go up to Help/Help Topics and click on Index Tab, type in toolbars, double click on toolbars and a little window will pop up double click on Using Toolbars.

I will put the path to get each toolbar open then I will explain each one. You may not need each one open in the future, but this will at least tell you know how they work.

Ok, let’s get started!

Go View/toolbars/standard

Standard Toolbar ~ displays the most common commands, such as saving images, undoing a command, and cutting items. Paint Shop Pro automatically displays this toolbar when you first run the program.

Go View/toolbars/tools

Tools Toolbar ~ Crop, paint, draw, type, and perform other image editing tasks.

Go View/toolbars/browser

Browser Toolbar ~ displays commands for using the Paint Shop Pro browser.

Go View/toolbars/effects

Effects Toolbar ~ displays commands for applying effects to your images.

Go View/toolbars/photo

Photo Toolbar ~ displays commands for enhancing photos.

Go View/toolbars/script

Script Toolbar ~ displays commands for creating and running scripts.

Go View/toolbars/web

Web Toolbar ~ displays commands for creating and saving images for the Web.
That's all there is to it for learning about the tools...