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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tools - Beginner

Are you a beginner with psp? Well this will be a great tutorial for you to start with. If you've done my previous tutorial "Toolbars - Beginner" then you will know how to get to the tools toolbar. This is just a tutorial going over the tools in psp and explaining each one of them.

Tools – Basic PSP Tut

This is my tutorial any similarities is pure coincidence.
I’m giving this brief tutorial for newbies just learning how to do things with PSP.

~Please Do NOT claim this tut as your own.~

This is written in PSP 8 you should get a general idea of PSP all together. Other versions may be a little different.

Here you will find basic meanings of tools and other things you’ll find throughout PSP.

Now before I start with the meanings of each tool, we need to open our tools up so we can find them easily each time around.

Go to View>Toolbars>Tools this will open your tools up off to the side.

[NOTE: In higher versions like psp 9, 10, 11 & 12,
you won't need to open up your tools, but for psp 7 & 8 you do.]

Click below to see a preview of what the toolbar and tools look like.


Airbrush Tool ~
This is used for painting effects.

Clone Tool ~
With this tool you can take an area of an object and paint it into a different area.

Color Replacer Tool ~
Use this to change the color on an image.

Crop Tool ~
To crop the image ~ Cut away some of it.

Deform Tool ~
Use this to change shape/size or direction of a tube or text. This causes loss of clarity so sharpen your image after you’re done. Do this by going to Adjust>Sharpness>Sharpen.

Dropper Tool ~
Use this to select a color from an image to use in text or background or border.

Eraser Tool ~
Use this to erase parts of an image.

Flood Fill Tool ~
Use this to flood fill your beginning image for your background or to flood fill text, etc.

Freehand Tool ~
This is known as the lasso, it allows you to select an area of any shape or size by hand.

Magic Wand Tool ~
Allows you to select parts of an image or text to add effects

Mover Tool ~
Allows you to move an image or text to where you want it.

Pan Tool ~
Use this tool when copying and pasting images, etc.

Paint Brush Tool ~
Use this to paint. Or you can use it to create different effects with the various brushes available.

Preset Shape Tool ~
Used to make shapes of all sizes

Selection Tool ~
Select an area by shape.

Target Brush Tool ~
Use this to target part of an image and change the color.

Text Tool ~
Allows you to put a text to an image

Tube Tool ~
Allows you to add images to your workspace

Zoom Tool ~
Allows you to zoom in on an image.

Thanks for trying my tut. I hope I made it understandable enough.

If you have any questions about anything, email me.

I hope you enjoyed reading this.

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