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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halloween Candy Corn

Written October, 2006 by me (Kris)
Any similarity of any others on the web is a pure coincidence.
Please do NOT take my tutorial and claim it as your own.
If you would like to share this tutorial with friends,
Then by all means send them to my blog!

~ Any settings that aren’t shown are default ~

~ What we’ll make ~


~ What we’ll need ~

PSP (I used 8)
EyeCandy 4000 (optional)
Tube: Candy Corn
Right click and save this one or use a tube of your own…

Mura’s Meister – Copies Filter – Download HERE
(Need help installing the filter? Then go to my tut HERE)
A mask of choice
(I’m used mask 187)
~this was already in the program~
Font of choice
(I used CK Pitch)

~ Let’s Begin! ~

Open PSP; open your candy corn or tube of choice
File/Export/Picture Tube
Enter the name of the tube file.

Now you’ll want to open 2 new images
File>New>400 x 250 pixels, transparent

Grab your tube tool
Put a bunch of candy corn onto one of your images
I put 12 onto mine, put as many as you wish…

Now, you’ll want to go to;
Effects/Plug-In/Mura’s Meister/Copies
All the rest are default settings J

Minimize this for now… J

Go to your next image;
Grab your text tool
Choose a dark color from the corn for the foreground.
Set your background to patterns
And find the candy corn image we made earlier.

In your Text Tool Options;
Create As: Vector
Size: 90
(Depending on size of text)
Stroke Width: 2

Type your text and hit apply.

Selections/ Modify/ Contract by 1

Effects/ Plugins/ EyeCandy 4000
Inside Marquee
Click ok

Deselect (CTRL D)

Effects/ 3D Effects/ Drop Shadow

V & H: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 4.95
Color: Black
Click Ok

Now back to your candy corn image. J

Adjust/Gaussian Blur:
Radius: 8

Layers – Load/Save Mask
Load Mask from Disk…
A box will pop up
Mask: Choose one of your choice
Create Mask From: Source Luminance - checked
Orientation: Fit To Layer - checked
Options: Invert Transparency - unchecked, Hide all Masks – checked
Click Load

Layers/Merge/Merge Group J

Copy this image
Go back to your text image
Paste as a new layer
Now go to Layers/Arrange/Send to bottom
Set the opacity on this layer to 60%
Now Layers/ Merge Visible

Grab your tube tool again
Put some candy corn on your image around your name
Putting each one on a new layer, so that you can move them around if need be

Once you’re happy go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible

Add a new raster layer and add your water mark at this time.

Layers/ Merge/Merge All Flatten

Save as & you’re done!
Here's another I've made:

Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I hope you’ve enjoyed trying and have learned something.
Feel free to email me with any questions you might have!

Autumn Leaves


This tutorial was written September 29, 2006 by me (Kris),
Any similarity you find to others is a pure coincidence.
Please do NOT take this tutorial and claim as your own.
If you would like to share this tutorial with friends,
Then by all means send them to my blog!

~Settings that are NOT shown in this tutorial are default settings~

~What we’ll make~


~What we’ll need~

(I used Version8, but any version will do)
Animation Shop
Patience with me, lol
DSB Flux Filter
Toadies Filter
An Autumn Leaf tube
(the ones I used were built in tubes)
Font of choice
(I’m using Signature)

~ Save Often! ~

~ Let’s begin! ~

Ok open up a new image 500 x 500 pixels
(we’ll crop and resize later)
Grab your tube tool
If you’re using 7 it looks like a little different,
but it’s just above the flood fill tool.
Go to your tool options,
8 opens up right along the top
if it doesn’t go to View/Palettes/Tool Options and it’ll come up,
if you’re using 7 right click on the tool and click on tool options
and you’ll get a little box that pops up.
Click the little window to choose your tube
scroll down a bit and you should find Autumn leaves.
Click on your image and you’ll get your first leaf.
I have 6 leaves for mine,
make a new layer for each leaf,
it makes it easier to move them around if need be.

Once you’ve got your leaves where you want them
go to Layers/Merge Visible.
right click on the layer & rename your layer to leaves.
Now, you’re going to Duplicate the layer so that you have 2 layers.
Layers - Duplicate (or right click in the layer palette & click Duplicate)
Make your bottom layer the active layer and X out the top layer
Now, you want to blur the bottom layer with
Gaussian Blur:
Radius 15
Then you want to go to
Effects/Plug-ins/DSB Flux/Blast
Left, Percentage: 20, click ok
Do this again, but change the direction to right
Do this again, but change the direction to upwards
Do this again, but change the direction to downwards
Now go to
Effects/Plug-ins/DSB Flux/Blast ‘em!
Diffuse: 41
Transparency: 93
click ok

Un-X the top layer and make it the active layer,
move it slightly to the right and up a little with your mover tool.
Add a drop shadow
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow
Vertical and Horizontal: 5
Opacity: 60
Blur: 3.95
Color: Black
Now grab your Text tool - look in your tool options
Create As: Vector
Size: 72 (depends on size of text)
Stroke Width: 2
Set your foreground to #FEA823
Set your background to #D23D0E
(choose colors from your tube)

Type out your text and apply
X out your text and click on the leaves layer and merge visible
Un-X the text layer and make it the active layer
Duplicate text layer 2 times
to make 3 text layers

Click on the bottom text layer and
X out the top 2 layers
Now you want to go to; Effects/DSB Flux/Bright Noise:
Mix: Checked
Intensity: 25
click ok
Do this with the 2nd text layer,
but change the intensity to 30,
making sure the layer is UN-X'D
Do this again with the 3rd layer,
but change the intensity to 35,
making sure the layer is UN-X'D
Duplicate the Merged layer 2 times
so you have 3 Merged layers
Drag your bottom text layer to just above the bottom merged layer
Drag the middle text layer to just above the middle merged layer
Click on the top text layer, Layers/ Merge Down
Click on the middle text layer, Layers/ Merge Down
Click on the bottom text layer, Layers/ Merge Down
Grab your crop tool
Merged Opaque and double click on your image drag the little nodes
so it’s close enough to the image, but not cutting any off, and it’s cropped!

**Now for the Animation**
** Open Animation Shop**
Go back to PSP and click on the bottom layer
copy (ctrl C) go to A/S and paste (ctrl V)
Go back to PSP and click on the middle layer
copy (ctrl C) go to A/S and past after current frame (ctrl shift L)
Go back to PSP and click on the top layer
copy (ctrl C) go to A/S and paste after current frame (ctrl shift L)

And view, resize if need be, if you like it Save As

And that’s it!

Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I hope you’ve enjoyed trying and have learned something.
Feel free to email me with any questions you might have!

Fall Tag Tut

This was written by me Kris on September 7, 2006.
Any similarity with others on the web is pure coincidental.
You may print this tutorial if need be.
Please do NOT take this tutorial and claim as your own.
If you would like to share this tutorial with friends,
Then by all means send them to my blog!

~Settings that are NOT shown in this tutorial are default settings~

~Save Often!~

~What we’ll Make~


~What We’ll Need~

PSP (any version will do)
Basic Knowledge of PSP
Patience with me! LOL
Font of choice (I’m using Ephesis)
EyeCandy 4000
Tube of choice

~Let’s Begin!~
Open up your tube.
Duplicate (Shift D) your image and close out the original.
Image> Canvas Size: 500 x 500 (we'll crop later)
Layers> Duplicate once
X out your top layer.
Make your bottom layer your active layer.
Gaussian Blur:
Radius 15
Effects>Plug-Ins>Eye Candy 4000>Swirl
Do this step again except this time click the Random Seed button.
Un-X your top layer.
Image>Resize> 80%
Grab your mover tool and Move up and to the right a little.
Save now so you can use this again if you’d like.
Save as a psp image. :D
Grab your Text tool.

Set your foreground to #F36B07.
Set your background to #FEBD65.
(Depending on your tube you’re using,
pick colors from your tube)

Create As: Vector
Size 72 (depending on text)
Stroke 1
If happy with text, then Convert to Raster
(Layers>Convert to Raster)
Add a drop shadow of your choice.
If you want to do the same settings as I did you can

Vertical & Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 56
Blur: 5
Grab your crop tool
click on Merged Opaque
(button to the far right in your tools options)
Add your watermark if you use one.
Layers>Merge>Merge all flatten.

Resize if you need to.
Save as a jpeg.

And you’re done!

Here’s another one I’ve made:


Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I hope you’ve enjoyed trying and have learned something.
Feel free to email me with any questions you might have!

Daily Devotional 10-21

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

And Hezekiah prayed this prayer before the Lord:
"O Lord, God of Israel, you are enthroned between the mighty cherubim!
You alone are God of all the kingdoms of the earth.
You alone created the heavens and the earth."
-2 Kings 19:15 NLT

Satan may be the prince of the air,
but God is Lord of the universe.
His splendor penetrates all Creation!

Floaties Tut 1

Written September 7, 2006 by me (Kris)
Any similarity with others is a pure coincidence.
Please do NOT take this tutorial and claim as your own.
If you would like to share this tutorial with friends,
then by all means send them to my blog!

~What We’ll Make~

~ What We’ll Need ~

PSP (Any Version)
Basic Knowledge of PSP
Font of Choice (I’m using Bauhauss 93)
Floatie of choice
(you can do a google search for one or right click and save this one)

~Settings that are NOT shown in this tutorial are default settings~

Open up A/S (Animation Shop)
and open up the floatie you saved

Make frame 1 active and Copy (CTRL C)

Go Back to PSP and Paste (CTRL V)

Do this with each frame

Now that you have done this,
each of them will show up in the patterns
(you'll find this in your color palette).

~ Text ~
Open a new image in PSP 500 x 200 pixels
or larger depending on size of your name.

Grab the text tool

Settings below:
Create As: Floating
Size: 72 depending on size of text
Make your foreground #088CFF
and your background #FFFFFF
or you can make them to go with your floaties.

Type your text and apply.
Selections> Modify> Contract set at 2
Make your text active
(clicking on it in the Layer Palette)

Duplicate your text to make as many layers as you have of frames for the floaties.
I have 10 floatie frames, so I’ll make 9 layers for my text to make 10 layers.

This is what it should look like if you have 10 layers. I renamed each layer so you could see.


Go to your text layer 1 make it active.

Grab your flood fill tool and set the match mode to none.

X out all your layers except for layer 1

This is what it should look like:


Now back to your Floaties

Open your Patterns


Find your first floatie

Go to your text and flood fill your first text.

This is what you should have.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

X out this layer and make your layer 2 active and take the X off.

Go to the patterns grab your next floatie

Flood fill your text again.

X out this layer and make your layer 3 active and take the X off.

Go to the patterns grab your next floatie

Flood fill text again.

Do this till you have all your text layers filled.

Un-X all the layers once you’re done.

Deselect (CTRL D)

Grab your crop tool. Click on the Merged Opaque

Save as a psp image.

Go back to A/S and open your image.
Animations> View Animation

If it looks good.
Let’s work on your optimization if you haven’t got it done.

If it’s a little jumpy you may need to go back to psp
and go back over your steps again till it looks right.

File>Optimization Wizard,
click next>Customize>Partial Transparency,
click on Yes, blend with this colour,
make it white or whatever a tut tells you to make it.

Save as, type in a file name and click save and you’re done!

Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I hope you’ve enjoyed trying and have learned something.
Feel free to email me with any questions you might have!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Butterfly Tag

This tutorial was written by me, any tutorials that resemble this tutorial is purely coincidental. This was written in PSP 8, but with knowledge of PSP you will be able to use this tutorial with other versions.

This was my very first tutorial that I ever wrote.

I wrote this in July of 2006.

Please do NOT take this tutorial and claim as your own.
If you would like to share this tutorial with friends, then by all means send them to my blog!

~What we’ll make~


~What you will need~

Paint shop pro trial HERE
Animation shop trial HERE
DSB Flux download HERE
Image of choice

Font of choice ~ I used Scrap Cursive

Basic PSP Knowledge

And Patience with me, HAHA!

~Let’s Begin!~

Open your 3 new images 160 x 160 pixels

Step 1. Make the 1st image active and let’s work on that

Grab your flood fill icon

Choose a light color of your choice

Flood fill the image

Go to Image>Add Borders: Top, Left, Right, Bottom:5

Choose a dark color of your choice, I chose a dark blue.

Grab your magic wand click on the inside of your image.

Go to Effects>3D Effects>Cutout: V & H: 7, Opacity: 70, Blur: 3, Color: White, Fill interior with color unchecked

Repeat this step; only change the vertical & horizontal to -7.

Duplicate 2 times so that we have 3 images to work with.

Make sure that Copy 2 of background is active.


Go to Effects>Plug-ins>DSB Flux> Bright Noise

Settings: Intensity – 35, Mix Checked

Repeat the Bright noise 2 more times

Copy of Background, make the bright noise 30

Background, make the bright noise 25.

Deselect. Ctrl D.

Get your 1st tube copy and paste as new layer

Duplicate this layer 2 times to make 3 layers.

Move the 1st raster 1 layer to just above the background layer. Layers>Merge>Merge Down.

Move the 2nd raster layer to just above the copy of background layer. Layers>Merge>Merge Down.

Move the 3rd raster layer to just above the copy 2 of background layer. Layers>Merge> Merge Down.

Minimize this image.

Step 2. Repeat all of step 1 to just before adding the tube.

Use a different tube for this image when you’ve gotten to the last step again.

Minimize this image.

Step 3. Repeat step 1 again to just before adding the tube.

Save each of your images as image 1, 2 & 3

Open Animation Shop

Open each of your images

Open new image 400 x 400 transparent image.

Duplicate your image 2 times, to make 3 frames. Propagate paste. Select All.

Make your 1st animation active. Select all and copy. Pull into your new image.

Make your 2nd animation active. Select all and copy. Pull into your new image. Be sure to place where you think it looks best. If you mess up simply hit CTRL Z to undo.

Make your 3rd animation active. Select all and copy. Pull into your new image.

Go back to PSP activate your tubes and get the artists info active Copy & Paste. Copy go back to Animation Shop and Paste as new animation. Duplicate 2 times to make 3 frames. Select all and copy. Pull into your new image and place just below one of your animations. You may do the same with your watermark.

To crop your new image: Make sure it’s all active. If need be Select All again. Grab your crop tool. Click Options. Click: surround opaque area. Click OK. Crop

Resize~ Animation>Resize Animation

65 %

Save your back.


Select the animation in AS Copy and go back to PSP and Paste.

Grab your Text Tool.

Choose the font you would like to use.

I used Scrap Cursive. Settings below
Create as: Vector, Font of choice, Size: 36,
Stroke Width: 0, Alignment: Center, Font Style: Bold

Type your text in and hit apply.

Grab the little node to turn your text and move it in place next to your butterflies the way you want it.

Here is what mine looks like so far


Once you have your text in place. Convert as raster. Layers>Convert to Raster. Duplicate 2 times. Move each layer above your background layers and Layers>Merge>Merge Down.

Add new layer and add your watermark now if you have one. Duplicate this 2 times also and move each of these layers above the background layers and Layers>Merge>Merge Down.

This is what it should look like.


Save and open in AS. View Animation

Here’s another one I made with a different font… this one I used Scrap Calligraphy


~ That’s It! ~

Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I hope you’ve enjoyed trying and have learned something.
Feel free to email me with any questions you might have!

Adding Text

Adding Text to your Photo

This tutorial was written by me (Kris4God) on June 1, 2008
Any similarity of any other tutorial on the web is a pure coincidence.
You may print this tutorial out if you need to, but you may NOT link it to anywhere on the web without permission!
Thanks for understanding!

Tools Needed:

Paint Shop Pro (Any Version)
Photo you’d like to add text to
(preferably one that you’ve taken.
If someone else took it, you MUST ask permission to use it and their copyright info.
If it is a photo from a site, you MUST read that sites TOU’S (Terms of Use))
Font of Choice (You can search for different fonts online, there are lots of free ones out there)
Patience and a little time to spare, lol

Let’s Get Started!

Open Paint Shop Pro.
Open the photo you’d like to add text to
To do this, go to File/Open and then browse for the photo that you have on your computer
Click open.

In your color materials palette click on the top color box, this is the foreground/stroke. You will find this to the right of your screen.
Find a dark color you’d like to use for your text, this will be the outline of your text. Click OK

In your color materials palette again, click on the bottom color box, this is the background/fill.
You will find this to the right of your screen,
Find a light color you’d like to use for your text, this will be the center of your text. Click OK

In your tools (you will see the tools if you have your tools showing, if you don’t see it go to View/Toolbars/Tools, click on it, depends on your version of PSP!), there is a tool that looks like an A. Click on it.
In your tool options, you should see it open up to the top or to the side, if not go to View/Palettes/Tool Options

font: choose one that you like
You will see a sample in the drop down box, next to the font name.
Play with the settings, do you want it bold text, do you want it italicized, do you want it underlined, do you want the text struck through? You choose.
Size: choose a font size of choice, you may have to adjust when you’re typing the text in, you can adjust it as needed.
Do you want your text to the left, center or to the right? You choose!
Anti-Alias: Checked (in psp 10 & higher you can choose whether you’d like it off, sharp or smooth)
Stroke Width:
1 (again play with the settings)
Create As:
You can choose for your text to be created as a vector, float or selection.
I usually choose Vector, so go ahead and choose Vector.
There are other font settings, but normally they aren’t used,
so don’t use them unless otherwise stated in a psp tutorial.
Unless you feel gutsy enough to just play with them, lol.

Click somewhere in your photo.
A box will pop open.
Type your desired text.
You can right click and select all, to change any of the settings if need be.
You will see the text show up on your photo as you’re working on it.
Click APPLY once you are happy with the way it looks.
You will see little nodes all around your text,
move your cursor over one, if you want to drag it,
this will make the text bigger or smaller.
In the center your cursor will turn into a little cross.
This will help you move your text where you want it.
Click on it and move it where you want it on your photo.
Once happy go to Layers/Convert to Raster Layer

If you are happy with the way it looks, then go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Now we are done!
Save As –
Find a spot you’d like to put it, somewhere that is easy for you to find…
you can make a folder if need be to save all your projects.
Enter a name you’d like. Click Save!

Now you know how to add text to your photos or any other project!

Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I hope you’ve enjoyed trying and have learned something.
Feel free to
email me with any questions you might have!

Adding Border

Adding Border to your Photo in PSP

This was written by me (Kris4God) on June 1, 2008
Any similarity is a purely coincidental.
You may print this tutorial if need be, you may link to my blog if you think someone might benefit from this, but PLEASE DO NOT copy and post elsewhere, claiming it as your own!
Thanks for Understanding!

Tools Needed:

Paint Shop Pro (Any Version)
A nice photo
(Preferably one that you’ve taken,
any other photo you will need
copyright info from the person who took the photo!)
Patience and a little time to spare, lol

Let’s get started!

Open Paint Shop Pro
Open the photo you want to add the border to.

Find the color materials palette that is located on the right side of the screen.
(That is if you have your palettes opened, if not go to the palettes tutorial or go View>Palettes>Materials, this depends on version you have!)
Find the bottom square, this will be the background/fill properties
Select a color from your photo that you’d like for your border

Next, go to Image>Add Borders
A box will pop open
Use these settings:
Make sure it is checked
This makes the borders the same size…
if you don’t want them the same leave it unchecked,
Size In Pixel:
In the boxes that say top, left, bottom, right.
Choose a number that you’d like the border to be. I usually choose 5.
You only need to do this once, if you have symmetric checked.
They will all change to the number you picked.
Otherwise if symmetric wasn’t checked then
you’ll have to choose different sizes for the border.
Original Dimensions:
This will show the dimensions of your photo.
Underneath the dimensions there is a drop down box,
it will have Pixels, Inches, Centimeters, Millimeters, Percent.
You will want to choose Pixel.
Right click on the color box,
this will open up a box with several different colors,
you will also see 2 colors that are in your color palette.
Choose the bottom one. This is the one you chose early on.
Click OK If you like what you see then we’ll move on.
If you don’t like what you see and you want to change it…
Go to Edit/Undo and then just do the above steps over again until you are happy.
Once you are pleased with what you have, then go to
File/Save As JPEG OR PNG to save what you’ve done.
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I hope you’ve enjoyed trying and have learned something.
Feel free to
email me with any questions you might have!

Cropping an image with selection tool

This is my tutorial; any similarities of it are a purely coincidental.
Please do not take this tutorial and claim it as your own,
Thanks for your understanding!
PLEASE DO NOT copy this tut and post elsewhere.
If you think someone would benefit from this tut,
then PLEASE link them to my blog!
Thanks for understanding!
1. Open up an image in PSP.

2. Grab your Preset Shape Tool

3. Go to the tool options and find the drop down bar of the shape and choose…. Circle, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, star whatever you want.

4. Draw your selection where you want it to be in the image.

You should have something like this…


5. Now you want to go to Image/Crop to selection

This is what it should look like…


6. Copy (CTRL + C) Take over to Animation Shop,
Paste (CTRL + V) and save as a gif.
***You do this so you don’t have that huge background behind it.***
***NOTE: use any shape for the selection tool.***

Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I hope you’ve enjoyed trying and have learned something.
Feel free to email me with any questions you might have!