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Monday, October 20, 2008

Adding Text

Adding Text to your Photo

This tutorial was written by me (Kris4God) on June 1, 2008
Any similarity of any other tutorial on the web is a pure coincidence.
You may print this tutorial out if you need to, but you may NOT link it to anywhere on the web without permission!
Thanks for understanding!

Tools Needed:

Paint Shop Pro (Any Version)
Photo you’d like to add text to
(preferably one that you’ve taken.
If someone else took it, you MUST ask permission to use it and their copyright info.
If it is a photo from a site, you MUST read that sites TOU’S (Terms of Use))
Font of Choice (You can search for different fonts online, there are lots of free ones out there)
Patience and a little time to spare, lol

Let’s Get Started!

Open Paint Shop Pro.
Open the photo you’d like to add text to
To do this, go to File/Open and then browse for the photo that you have on your computer
Click open.

In your color materials palette click on the top color box, this is the foreground/stroke. You will find this to the right of your screen.
Find a dark color you’d like to use for your text, this will be the outline of your text. Click OK

In your color materials palette again, click on the bottom color box, this is the background/fill.
You will find this to the right of your screen,
Find a light color you’d like to use for your text, this will be the center of your text. Click OK

In your tools (you will see the tools if you have your tools showing, if you don’t see it go to View/Toolbars/Tools, click on it, depends on your version of PSP!), there is a tool that looks like an A. Click on it.
In your tool options, you should see it open up to the top or to the side, if not go to View/Palettes/Tool Options

font: choose one that you like
You will see a sample in the drop down box, next to the font name.
Play with the settings, do you want it bold text, do you want it italicized, do you want it underlined, do you want the text struck through? You choose.
Size: choose a font size of choice, you may have to adjust when you’re typing the text in, you can adjust it as needed.
Do you want your text to the left, center or to the right? You choose!
Anti-Alias: Checked (in psp 10 & higher you can choose whether you’d like it off, sharp or smooth)
Stroke Width:
1 (again play with the settings)
Create As:
You can choose for your text to be created as a vector, float or selection.
I usually choose Vector, so go ahead and choose Vector.
There are other font settings, but normally they aren’t used,
so don’t use them unless otherwise stated in a psp tutorial.
Unless you feel gutsy enough to just play with them, lol.

Click somewhere in your photo.
A box will pop open.
Type your desired text.
You can right click and select all, to change any of the settings if need be.
You will see the text show up on your photo as you’re working on it.
Click APPLY once you are happy with the way it looks.
You will see little nodes all around your text,
move your cursor over one, if you want to drag it,
this will make the text bigger or smaller.
In the center your cursor will turn into a little cross.
This will help you move your text where you want it.
Click on it and move it where you want it on your photo.
Once happy go to Layers/Convert to Raster Layer

If you are happy with the way it looks, then go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible.

Now we are done!
Save As –
Find a spot you’d like to put it, somewhere that is easy for you to find…
you can make a folder if need be to save all your projects.
Enter a name you’d like. Click Save!

Now you know how to add text to your photos or any other project!

Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I hope you’ve enjoyed trying and have learned something.
Feel free to
email me with any questions you might have!

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