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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pushing Buttons

Pushing Buttons

Are you in a panic mode? We would love to talk with you and pray with you.

Join us for our Daily Devotional Chat today in our Women’s Chatroom at 10:30am EST.

Our technological world is one of instant answers with the push of a button. Life also affords us the opportunity to choose our internal “button pushing” responses. Whatever circumstance you find yourself in today will allow you a choice of what button to push. Your choice will affect the outcome. Can you identify with each of these buttons in life?

1. Panic Button
I am sure you have experienced being in a parking lot when someone has accidentally hit the panic button of their vehicle. It is a head turner. If you are like me, I have found myself hitting the panic button of life’s situation more times that I care to recall. It is those panic-mode situations that cause stress and make our thought process look like something in a blender. In the Bible, Jacob fled because he stole his brother’s birthright; Peter denied he knew Jesus and left, and Adam and Eve hid when they disobeyed God. During times of panic, we sometimes have difficulty processing what is Truth and that is when problems begin. Timothy wrote, ‘For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.’ (2 Timothy 1:7) When panic strikes, we then need to take our hands off the panic button and breathe! Let God take that situation from you. Ask Him for His wisdom, His comfort, and His next step. Then, hit the….

2. Reset Button
Take a step back. Reset your life. Take stock in what just happened and begin your journey again with God as the driver.

“…but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to Him” (Romans 12:2b). Hitting this button will place things into perspective. It is not the time to hit the escape button, but face life head on. This is the moment to make a definite effort to start again. Reset and remember ‘Whose’ you are. The Apostle Paul had his reset button pushed through various circumstances and look at what God allowed him to accomplish. So, hit this button then get ready to push the….

3. Default Button

Make the default button in your life, God! Let Him be the one who controls your thought pattern.

Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don’t ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise” (Philippians 4:8).

Without a doubt, we will face situations where panic is inevitable. That is life. For some, it may mean hitting the default button numerous times a day or week. Fill your mind with God’s Word. Let those verses of promise and comfort fill your mind so that when panic does strike, you can claim His promises. I have repeated those to myself many times and it gives me great comfort. God is still on the Throne…how amazing!

Pushing buttons is a part of our lives just like breathing. I encourage you to take your finger off the panic button, reset it, and let God be your default button today. Rejoice in the fact that God is your answer; He is the one who help you get your life back on track. What button will you choose to hit today?

Father God, I praise You for being my Default Button. You are so patient. When situations cross my path, I pray that I will have the courage, from You, to hit the Default Button and claim Your help. For this, I truly thank You. In Your Power, Amen.

Questions: Are you prone to press the panic button as a reaction to your circumstances? What do you need to “reset” today and “default” to God?

About the Author Linda Goodhand Rodgers

Daily audio podcast: A second daily devotional, When you Speak, God Hears, today on the Men’s Devotional Blog

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