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Sunday, August 10, 2008


Read: Philippians 3:7-11
Give in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
-1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

LOOKING up at the hills near Lake Elsinore, California, I remembered the hills behind the neighborhood where I grew up. They were a great place to play - fairly safe, with just a slight element of danger to add excitement to our days. Several years later, those hilltops and tiny caves were gone, replaced by large, modern homes.

Just as neighborhoods change over the years, so do people. We go through various experiences that change us. Whether the results are for the better depends largely on our attitude.

Consider the apostle Paul. Both he and his living conditions changed after his experience with Christ on the Damascus Road. Rather than arresting Christians, he became a courageous and bold defender of the faith. He was beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, and imprisoned. Paul certainly had good reason to complain, but he thanked God. Why? Paul recognized that his greatest treasure was Jesus Christ and the righteousness Christ offers.

Change is inevitable for all of us. So when it comes, we can look for the new opportunities God is offering in it and, like Paul, we can rejoice, give , and embrace the change.

Star Ferdinand (Texas, U.S.A.)

Help us, God, to embrace the changes you bring to our lives and to grow through them. Amen.

Every change brings new opportunities to serve God and to grow.

Those struggling with change

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